Posted on March 1, 2007. Filed under: In the beginning... |

So I Suppose I should start
Go on then…
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Well…The general idea here is that I tell you a few funny stories and much more importantly anyone who happens to be passing by tells me some.

We all have those little stories that health professionals tell one another in the pub at night, it may be called “reflective practice” or “off loading“, this arena however is more for the category of “well! I didn’t know where to look“.

There are many such scenarios in my “professional history”. Some are simple…

…Guy comes into A&E having nail gunned his trainer to his foot…

…or the slightly more bizarre – Guy comes into A&E complaining of dysurea – and due to his slight air of oddness, I have an urge to call records and get his notes down… A fascinating large file for a 21 year old, with various artifacts the surgical team felt should be cleaned and left in the notes, for curious people like me. Cause of his dysurea turned out to be the biro he had put up his penis….  Apparently it all started when he was 14 sitting by a river and showed his mates how easy (and fun??) it was to cathetarise with fishing wire. As he got bigger so did the foreign bodies…. Hmmm probably going to need a category just for FB’s.

I am also a bit of a fool for saying things that come out either in the wrong place at the wrong time or are just too open for interpretation, so we’ll have a “Did I say that?” area. 

and see where we go from there…  Come on in the waters lovely…

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