He’s with us, not US!!!

Posted on August 19, 2009. Filed under: Apply topically |

Now before I crack into this little post, I would clearly like to clarify something… I am actually quite keen on Americans. I mean I’d have to say that because a fair chunk of my readers are from “across the pond” and some of my favourite bloggers are Americans, but despite the stereotype I like them! 

Anyhow…the reason I’m heading down this road is that the debate about the American health care system, seems to have turned into a bit of NHS bashing exercise.  This is partly due to a British Conservative politician going on American TV and having a moan about the NHS.  I was going to ignore it…I’m not too interested in blogging on politics really and try to keep the blog more for light relief on a rare coffee break.  However I found amusement in the ongoing debate following an editorial from the “Investor’s Business Daily”  which stated: 

“People such as scientist Stephen Hawking wouldn’t have a chance in the UK, where the National Health Service would say the life of this brilliant man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless.”

Stephen Hawking awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom by Barack Obama

Stephen Hawkin as I am sure you know has an American accent via a computerised voice-box.  He is however a BRITISH physicist and after being used as an example against the NHS he stated:

“I wouldn’t be here today if it were not for the NHS,” and pointed out: “I have received a large amount of high-quality treatment without which I would not have survived.”

Not only does this make the editorial team at the “Investor’s Business Daily” look like a bunch of idiots, it also does nothing to quash the American stereotype of being slightly insular…It’s a stereotype and not my opinion, although having a “World Series” for a sport that most of the world has no interest in also seems to be a bit of a bummer!

Next you’ll be telling me you though that grumpy Doctor House was American….oh please!!!

“House old boy…is that you?”

I digress! People complain about the NHS it’s true, but people complain about health care from any provider.  I have worked within the NHS and been on the receiving end of NHS care at a life and death level on two occasions, and I love it (I love the NHS that is, not particular in love with life and death situations themselves).  Sure it’s not perfect, but as the biggest employer in the country there is always going to be a few imperfections, maybe even in some cases a bit of a postcode lottery, but apart from a few variations the NHS provides a good standard of care for everyone, regardless of your financial package and insurance policies.

Whether or not Obama is going to win this battle, or even whether it is the right thing for America, well I have no idea. Either way it’s a big country and I’m sure they are big enough to look after themselves without having a go at the NHS and without the unnecessary opinions of our politicians.  Here endeth the sermon…

Just one more thing…my mate is raising money for Cancer Research, by swimming in the fricking cold September waters.  She is a bit of a contributer on this blog and could do with some support, so if you want to donate a few quid to a good cause and a friend of mine…then click here… Donating isn’t means tested and won’t effect your long term health care…(although it might mean Rachel gets Pneumonia and needs NHS treatment!)  Ta!

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7 Responses to “He’s with us, not US!!!”

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Thank you Max, you’re an angel!

Oh, and Daniel Hannan needs his bloody mouth stitching up, or possibly a close encounter in a locked room withDr Crippen……the blog one, not the other one….honest!


[…] Whether or not Obama is going to win this battle, or even whether it is the right thing for America, well I have no idea. Either way it’s a big country and I’m sure they are big enough to look after themselves without having a go at the NHS and without the unnecessary opinions of our politicians. via maxenurse.wordpress.com […]


I’m on this side of the pond, and I can tell you most of us want a change in the healthcare system over here. Big business should not be making decisions. Healthcare is a right, not a privilege. There should to be some middle ground between private, and public care. I know some countries are exploring this option. And personally I would love the English system.

On a different note. We love House, and know that Hugh Laurie is British. But he does a great American accent. He and his family seems to love LA. We also love all the Kate’s. Like Beckinsale, Winslet, and Moss.

Don’t believe any media or propaganda, I can tell you Americans love England.


Rosie…as ever you are welcome!

David…hello there!! (I have to tell you, you amused me with your first 7 words!! It’s that stereotype again…actually I’m on this side of the pond, your on that side!! It’s a Brit Blog!! – I merely tease you) There is essentially middle ground, you pay your tax, so can use the NHS, but if at any point you want to not wait 8 wks to see a consultant, you can go private… you could take a look at:

£10,000 for a free paper!


Good service…but no free paper…

for an insight!

Glad to have another NP blogger in the bloggisphere


So do you like the health care system there? You’ll have to explain it to me, do they have a private and public care system, or is it only run by the government?


I love the NHS…
David…it’s paid for by taxes and allows you health care access 24/7. You can also pay out additionally and get things privately. It is not run by the government exclusively the private sector are completely independent and the NHS is broken up too. It’s groooovy!


Cheers! I loved your comments. I’m from Utah, USA and I believe their has to be a healthy mix somewhere for NHS and private coverage. I have so many family that don’t see a physician because they can’t afford it. I have also had friends from Liverpool who loved NHS there and fret over healthcare here. I figured the best way to help the situation was to become a nurse practitioner and try on some level to offer inexpensive primary care. Again, thanks for your blog!


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